Mats Svensson

Mats Svensson works mainly with intaglio printmaking in a black/white colour scale.

Mats Svensson's images have a shade of mystery. Has a catastrophe of some kind occurred? Or are we looking at an unknown form of civilisation? Beginning from a quite vague feeling via sketches, Mats starts working on the copperplate, starting with etching surfaces by the aquatint method. It is a quite a slow process where he forms the image step by step. After some layers of aquatint etching a proof print is made. With the drypoint then he continues making darker surfaces and lines. After proofprinting he may do extra etching and drypoint lines/surfaces until he is satisfied with the result.

Four years training in different graphic techniques.
Scholarships: Swedish Arts Grants Grant Committee, 2006 and 2011-2012.
West of Swedens scholarship 2015.

Print triennial, Uppsala Art Museum, Sweden 2014.
Group exhibition in Paris, France. Ten swedish printmakers in Fondation Taylor 2016.
Nordic Print Triennial, Gallery Sander Norrköping, Trelleborg and Luleå Art museum.

A number of prints purchased by municipalities, regions and the Public Art Agency, Sweden.
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Mats Svensson works mainly with intaglio printmaking in a black/white colour scale.

Mats Svensson's images have a shade of mystery. Has a catastrophe of some kind occurred? Or are we looking at an unknown form of civilisation? Beginning from a quite vague feeling via sketches, Mats starts working on the copperplate, starting with etching surfaces by the aquatint method. It is a quite a slow process where he forms the image step by step. After some layers of aquatint etching a proof print is made. With the drypoint then he continues making darker surfaces and lines. After proofprinting he may do extra etching and drypoint lines/surfaces until he is satisfied with the result.

Four years training in different graphic techniques.
Scholarships: Swedish Arts Grants Grant Committee, 2006 and 2011-2012.
West of Swedens scholarship 2015.

Print triennial, Uppsala Art Museum, Sweden 2014.
Group exhibition in Paris, France. Ten swedish printmakers in Fondation Taylor 2016.
Nordic Print Triennial, Gallery Sander Norrköping, Trelleborg and Luleå Art museum.

A number of prints purchased by municipalities, regions and the Public Art Agency, Sweden.
Mats Svensson works mainly with intaglio printmaking in a black/white colour scale.

Mats Svensson's images have a shade of mystery. Has a catastrophe of some kind occurred? Or are we looking at an unknown form of civilisation? Beginning from a quite vague feeling via sketches, Mats starts working on the copperplate, starting with etching surfaces by the aquatint method. It is a quite a slow process where he forms the image step by step. After some layers of aquatint etching a proof print is made. With the drypoint then he continues making darker surfaces and lines. After proofprinting he may do extra etching and drypoint lines/surfaces until he is satisfied with the result.

Four years training in different graphic techniques.
Scholarships: Swedish Arts Grants Grant Committee, 2006 and 2011-2012.
West of Swedens scholarship 2015.

Print triennial, Uppsala Art Museum, Sweden 2014.
Group exhibition in Paris, France. Ten swedish printmakers in Fondation Taylor 2016.
Nordic Print Triennial, Gallery Sander Norrköping, Trelleborg and Luleå Art museum.

A number of prints purchased by municipalities, regions and the Public Art Agency, Sweden.
Leonard Noree
Paulina Sandberg