• Exhibitors must understand fire and emergency procedures.

    • Artificial plants and flowers must not be used.

    • The gangways are the minimum permissible by law. Under no circumstances may exhibits be allowed to encroach into the gangways. Exhibits must be kept on the stand at all times.

    • Excess stock/literature/packaging must not be stored on, around or behind the stands.

    • Fabrics used must be flame proofed or bought treated in accordance with BS 5438/BS 5852.

    • Interior fabrics within stands must be fixed taut and/or in tight pleats (not draped) to a solid backing and secured 3” above floor level and not touching light fixings.

  • Woolwich Contemporary Print Fair, in cooperation with the Royal Borough of Greenwich, are committed to operating all its various businesses in compliance with all the relevant legislation and guidelines covering Health and Safety at Work and it is a requirement of the venue that all Exhibitors, Contractors and Visitors comply with the law and the regulations of the venue at all times. Copies of the legislation can be downloaded from

    Woolwich Contemporary Print Fair takes the issue of Health and Safety very seriously and anyone infringing any relevant legislation and/or any venue regulations will be asked to desist forthwith and, for serious and continuing breaches, may be banned from the premises.

    As an Exhibitor or Contractor, you hold an obligation to ensure the safety of everyone associated with your event or exhibition stand and those persons who may be affected by your activities. Please complete the enclosed Health & Safety Declaration and Stand Risk Assessment as soon as possible and return to Jack Bullen by 01 November. Occupancy of your stand to set up will only be permitted when these forms have been completed and reviewed. All full, part-time, contractors and temporary staff must:

    • Be aware of the significant hazards they may face when carrying out tasks and of any control measures that the Exhibitor implements to reduce risks to the lowest level reasonably practicable.

    • Observe safety regulations and signs at all times.

    • Be aware of the emergency procedures relevant to their place of work.

    • Wear the appropriate safety equipment and use appropriate safety devices as and when required to do so.

    • Report all accidents and dangerous occurrences to their supervisor and to WCPF Project Manager.

    • Take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions.

    • Co-operate with any duty or requirement imposed by the venue when acting under the requirements of Health, Safety or Environmental legislation.

    • Not intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interests of health, safety or welfare.

    • Immediately report any serious shortcomings that may affect the health, safety and welfare of their job to their supervisor and the WCPF Project Manager, or their appointed representative.

    • Please note only step ladders may be used for the build-up and dismantling of the stand.

  • Each Exhibitor must undertake a simple Risk Assessment prior to the event, identifying the hazards present on site and ways in which you will then minimise and control those hazards. As an Exhibitor it is your responsibility to ensure that a suitable assessment has been completed.

    We have introduced a simpler template for you to complete to assess your stand. The template needs to be completed, signed and returned to Jack Bullen by 07 October 2024.

    Finally, ensure your assessment is honest and realistic. Remember, if it goes wrong and somebody is injured, you may well be held responsible.

  • Complete the Health & Safety Declaration and the Risk Assessment Form and send them to by 07 October 2024.