Rosey Prince | Where the land ends, 2023



56 x 42 cm

Unique Work


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Rosey Prince works from a studio in South East London and painting and printmaking are integral to her practice. She has been a member of Artichoke Printmakers since 2010 and was on the Turps Offsite Painting Programme 2021-23. Her work is about spending time in a location and interpreting the place back in her studio through memory, drawings and photographs. Her prints are predominantly drypoint, mezzotint and monotype. These monotypes were made in April 2023 while on a week’s residency in a beautiful and isolated place on the coast of Kerry, South West Ireland. ‘This experience of making work outside of my familiar landscape of South East London and the Thames estuary was exciting and challenging. I spent the week drawing the magnificent rocks that appear to spew out of the ground and making monotypes back in the live/work studio where I was staying. Working until late at night I made the prints by hand using my hands and a spoon to print them. They have a raw and spontaneous feel which reflects how I felt in these extraordinary and rugged surroundings.’ Rosey Prince has exhibited her prints widely including a number of prestigious exhibitions such as Royal Academy Summer Exhibition (2013, 2017, 2022, 2023), Discerning Eye (2015), National and Original Print Exhibition 2018, 2019 (winning the East London Printmakers Prize in 2019), The Masters: Etching, Bainbridge Open Print Exhibition (winning the Framing Library Prize in 2018) and has exhibited at Woolwich Contemporary Print Fair 2017, 2018, 2020, 2021 and 2022 (winning the John Purcell Prize in 2017 and the Artichoke Printmakers Prize in 2021).

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56 x 42 cm

Unique Work


Split your payment over 10 months with OwnArt 0% APR. Your monthly payment for this artwork would be £85.00.

Rosey Prince works from a studio in South East London and painting and printmaking are integral to her practice. She has been a member of Artichoke Printmakers since 2010 and was on the Turps Offsite Painting Programme 2021-23. Her work is about spending time in a location and interpreting the place back in her studio through memory, drawings and photographs. Her prints are predominantly drypoint, mezzotint and monotype. These monotypes were made in April 2023 while on a week’s residency in a beautiful and isolated place on the coast of Kerry, South West Ireland. ‘This experience of making work outside of my familiar landscape of South East London and the Thames estuary was exciting and challenging. I spent the week drawing the magnificent rocks that appear to spew out of the ground and making monotypes back in the live/work studio where I was staying. Working until late at night I made the prints by hand using my hands and a spoon to print them. They have a raw and spontaneous feel which reflects how I felt in these extraordinary and rugged surroundings.’ Rosey Prince has exhibited her prints widely including a number of prestigious exhibitions such as Royal Academy Summer Exhibition (2013, 2017, 2022, 2023), Discerning Eye (2015), National and Original Print Exhibition 2018, 2019 (winning the East London Printmakers Prize in 2019), The Masters: Etching, Bainbridge Open Print Exhibition (winning the Framing Library Prize in 2018) and has exhibited at Woolwich Contemporary Print Fair 2017, 2018, 2020, 2021 and 2022 (winning the John Purcell Prize in 2017 and the Artichoke Printmakers Prize in 2021).


56 x 42 cm

Unique Work


Split your payment over 10 months with OwnArt 0% APR. Your monthly payment for this artwork would be £85.00.

Rosey Prince works from a studio in South East London and painting and printmaking are integral to her practice. She has been a member of Artichoke Printmakers since 2010 and was on the Turps Offsite Painting Programme 2021-23. Her work is about spending time in a location and interpreting the place back in her studio through memory, drawings and photographs. Her prints are predominantly drypoint, mezzotint and monotype. These monotypes were made in April 2023 while on a week’s residency in a beautiful and isolated place on the coast of Kerry, South West Ireland. ‘This experience of making work outside of my familiar landscape of South East London and the Thames estuary was exciting and challenging. I spent the week drawing the magnificent rocks that appear to spew out of the ground and making monotypes back in the live/work studio where I was staying. Working until late at night I made the prints by hand using my hands and a spoon to print them. They have a raw and spontaneous feel which reflects how I felt in these extraordinary and rugged surroundings.’ Rosey Prince has exhibited her prints widely including a number of prestigious exhibitions such as Royal Academy Summer Exhibition (2013, 2017, 2022, 2023), Discerning Eye (2015), National and Original Print Exhibition 2018, 2019 (winning the East London Printmakers Prize in 2019), The Masters: Etching, Bainbridge Open Print Exhibition (winning the Framing Library Prize in 2018) and has exhibited at Woolwich Contemporary Print Fair 2017, 2018, 2020, 2021 and 2022 (winning the John Purcell Prize in 2017 and the Artichoke Printmakers Prize in 2021).

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