What is a Screenprint?
A type of stencil technique established in the early 20th century. Preparing a tightly stretched screen, usually of silk, the artist blocks out areas that won't be printed by blocking out the pores of the fabric with a varnish like substance. Paper is placed under the screen and ink forced through the open fabric pores onto the paper. For colour screenprints different frames are used for different colours.
Characteristics of a Screen-print
Can incorporate large areas if block colour
They can be printed to a very large scale
The quality of the printed mark can reveal how the screen stencil was made – working directly on to the screen can have a painterly effect, a wax crayon will have a coarser effect
Photographic stencils can give crisp edges and fine detail
Often incorporating many different elements in one work – text, colour, newsprint, photography etc.
Sometimes a combination of hand and mechanical techniques.