Caroline Hands - Mysteries of Us, 2019



Media Dimensions: 108 x 76 cm

Image Dimensions: 108 x 76 cm

Unique Work


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Caroline Hands left school at 14, studied fashion in London in the 1960s but persuaded the principal to let her create her own mixed media courses, one of the first mixed media courses in London, which included 3d works, theatre design, photography and visual research. She later did a degree in fine art painting. Caroline ran community art projects and workshops in London, West Midlands and Herefordshire at events such as Hay on Wye Literature Festival. She also worked on many ‘Artist in Schools Projects’. She later became the festival director of The Three choirs fringe festivals across 12 years between 1988 to 2000, she curated workshops, exhibitions and performances that housed thousands of audiences in Hereford, promoting diverse and non-hierarchical approach in artmaking and environmental talks ahead of her time. She has worked and exhibited in China for seven years on and off and held her solo exhibition XYZ Gallery Beijing. In 2014 she returned to London where she has a studio in Woolwich. Caroline has exhibited in a large range of galleries including Ikon Gallery, Birmingham and XYZ Gallery Beijing.

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Media Dimensions: 108 x 76 cm

Image Dimensions: 108 x 76 cm

Unique Work


Split your payment over 10 months with OwnArt 0% APR. Your monthly payment for this artwork could be from as little as £85.00

Caroline Hands left school at 14, studied fashion in London in the 1960s but persuaded the principal to let her create her own mixed media courses, one of the first mixed media courses in London, which included 3d works, theatre design, photography and visual research. She later did a degree in fine art painting. Caroline ran community art projects and workshops in London, West Midlands and Herefordshire at events such as Hay on Wye Literature Festival. She also worked on many ‘Artist in Schools Projects’. She later became the festival director of The Three choirs fringe festivals across 12 years between 1988 to 2000, she curated workshops, exhibitions and performances that housed thousands of audiences in Hereford, promoting diverse and non-hierarchical approach in artmaking and environmental talks ahead of her time. She has worked and exhibited in China for seven years on and off and held her solo exhibition XYZ Gallery Beijing. In 2014 she returned to London where she has a studio in Woolwich. Caroline has exhibited in a large range of galleries including Ikon Gallery, Birmingham and XYZ Gallery Beijing.


Media Dimensions: 108 x 76 cm

Image Dimensions: 108 x 76 cm

Unique Work


Split your payment over 10 months with OwnArt 0% APR. Your monthly payment for this artwork could be from as little as £85.00

Caroline Hands left school at 14, studied fashion in London in the 1960s but persuaded the principal to let her create her own mixed media courses, one of the first mixed media courses in London, which included 3d works, theatre design, photography and visual research. She later did a degree in fine art painting. Caroline ran community art projects and workshops in London, West Midlands and Herefordshire at events such as Hay on Wye Literature Festival. She also worked on many ‘Artist in Schools Projects’. She later became the festival director of The Three choirs fringe festivals across 12 years between 1988 to 2000, she curated workshops, exhibitions and performances that housed thousands of audiences in Hereford, promoting diverse and non-hierarchical approach in artmaking and environmental talks ahead of her time. She has worked and exhibited in China for seven years on and off and held her solo exhibition XYZ Gallery Beijing. In 2014 she returned to London where she has a studio in Woolwich. Caroline has exhibited in a large range of galleries including Ikon Gallery, Birmingham and XYZ Gallery Beijing.